Free Papers

Michelle Vermeulen, WCBS
The impact of COVID-19 on the Western Cape Blood Service Donor Base

Yvonne Cordner, Burn Care Trust
Implementation of a novel system in a state hospital to obtain tissue donors

Lee-Ann Booysen, Vitanova
Report on early results of the SATiBA study on methods for improving human cadaver tissue donation in South Africa

Aisha Salie, WCBS
The effectiveness of partnerships with Muslim community-based organisations to increase blood collections during low collection periods

Tracey Gibbs, KZN Eye Association
A two year retrospective study of femoral head donation in Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), South Africa (SA) and its impact on tissue availability

Hans van den Heever, UFS Homograft Bank
Effect of three different processing techniques on properties and clinical performance of pulmonary homografts with extended ischemic time in the RVOT of an ovine model

Sandra Venter, Vitanova
Examination of microbial growth prevalence in musculoskeletal tissue and the effectiveness of the unique mechanical and chemical processing methods to ensure safe allografts