Invited speakers

Martin Börgel (Germany)
President: World Union of Tissue Bank Associations (WUTBA)
Cornea procurement and processing up to 72 Hours: no risk for cornea transplant quality

Diletta Trojan (Italy)
President: European Association of Tissue & Cell Banks (EATCB)
Human Amnio in wound healing, Italy
Quality management
Musculoskeletal processing

Chris van Diemen (Australia)
President: Biotherapeutics Association of Australia (BAA)
Faecal Microbiota set up in Australia
Status of Blood transfusion services in Australia
South East Asia update on Tissue Banking

Heather Machin (Australia)
Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations (GAEBA)
The effect of tissue import / export

Anna Salz (Germany) DGFG
Expanding eye donation network in North-India

Silke Wahl (Germany) DGFG
Expanding eye donation network in North-India

Nega (Ethiopian Eye Bank)
Cornea preservation: Cold storage

Emilio Valdivia (Hamburg, Germany)
Genetic modification of limbal stem cells to decrease allogeneic immune responses

Michael Pepper ICMM
Relevance of cell & gene therapy in developing countries
Towards the development of a universal donor cell

Riana Cockeran, SANBS
Fecal transplant: its uses, setting up a bank, donors and proposed regulation in SA

Marion Vermeulen, SANBS
Prevalence of SARS covid 19 in SA blood donors

Gary Dospassos, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital
Cadaver skin in burn wound treatment

Yvonne Holt, Nextbio
Amniotic membrane and its therapeutic uses

Theo le Roux, Orthopedic surgeon, Pretoria East Hospital
Bone fiber technology – a first for SA

Melodie Labushaigne, UNISA School of Law
Legal and ethical issues relating to the sharing of stored human biological samples and related data to third parties

Charlotte Ingram, SABMR
SA Bone Marrow Registry: difficulties caused by the lack of representation

Elize Wolmerans, ICMM
Human alternatives to Bovine Serum for tissue culture purposes

Tanya Glatt, SANBS
Long term storage of stem cells